RIB Gate
With its fully integrated cycle, Rib Srl is an Italian manufacturer of home automation solutions for gates, barriers, shutters and overhead doors. Today it is a leader in the industrial and civil sector at a global level, managing to provide security to installers and convenience to customers. Riduttori Ingranaggerie Bresciane is not simply the extension of an acronym but a synonym of absolute quality and precision that have made it a reference point first at local level and then internationally.
Website: ribind.it/en
of production exported abroad
international patents
years of experience

An home automation solution was needed that could allow through smartphone to keep under control the state of wear and the possible maintenance that the installers would have to carry out, so as to be able to carry out their activity effectively, safe and punctual; moreover this automation solution has been able to guarantee even the end user greater convenience, being able to use the devices directly remotely using the everyday smartphone.

Opening / closing gate via Bluetooth
Checking the status (open / closed) of the gateway
Status diagnostic screen when connected via Bluetooth with the gate
Receipt of temporary opening key sent by installer or administrator
Fault and malfunction reporting
Displaying statistical data from the control unit
Generating / sending temporary keys for users not authorised on the gateway
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